

Community Living Thunder BayPrinciples of Service

We believe that all people should have the same rights and responsibilities.

We believe that all people should have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We believe that all people should have the opportunity to live in a state of dignity where they are valued and esteemed by others and in turn develop self worth. This can be achieved by:

  • the removal of labels
  • nurturing self-worth
  • recognition of contributions and the value to families and communities
  • the respect for individual rights and freedoms
  • ensuring economic security

We believe that all people should have the opportunity to exercise the control over their own lives.

We believe that all people should have the opportunity to participate in all elements of life in a way which is meaningful to them.

We believe that all people should have opportunities to attain their chosen quality of life. Quality of life may include access to:

  • Housing
  • Income
  • Full Health Service
  • Work and Leisure
  • Personal Relationships
  • Education and Learning Opportunities
  • We believe that we have a responsibility to advocate for the removal of barriers in the community which restrict the quality of life.

We believe that through opportunity and education for all, mutual awareness and acceptance will develop.

We believe that each person should be accepted as a person first; and as a contributing member of the community.



Strategic …

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Date added: 29-04-2024
Date modified: 29-04-2024



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Date added: 06-05-2020
Date modified: 06-05-2020



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Date added: 06-05-2020
Date modified: 06-05-2020

Community LivingThunder Bay
We envision a supportive and accepting community that values all its citizens equally.
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Community LivingThunder Bay
We envision a supportive and accepting community that values all its citizens equally.
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© 2020 Community Living Thunder Bay. All rights reserved.
Website Developed by Firedog Communications.

© 2020 Community Living Thunder Bay. All rights reserved.
Website Developed by Firedog Communications.

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